Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is a technique that many use and can increase survival chances during a cardiac arrest significantly. More specifically, science shows that it can double or triple the chances. However, these numbers refer to a timely intervention in the first few minutes of a cardiac arrest.
There are specific and exact rules on how and when to administer CPR for the most effective outcomes. It’s generally believed that the more CPR-certified people, the safer our cities will be. Still, each region, including the state of Virginia, has its own specific CPR guidelines and protocols. Ensure proper emergency response by familiarizing with the region-specific CPR guidelines in Virginia.
How Does CPR Work?
Before getting into detail about CPR Guidelines In Virginia, let’s first understand how CPR works. CPR is an emergency technique that saves lives by administering a combination of chest compressions and rescue breath to restore blood circulation and oxygen flow to vital organs.
Currently, only one out of ten people having out-of-hospital heart arrest survive, but this can be changed in the long term. By providing immediate and effective CPR, well-trained bystanders can lower the critical time gap that is created between cardiac arrest and the arrival of the emergency medical team.
In that manner, CPR is helping out to keep the cardiac arrest victim alive until the medical professionals take over. CPR certification is a valuable investment, as emergencies can strike unexpectedly, and CPR may be a personal life-changing weapon to have when dealing with a difficult situation.
Recognizing Cardiac Arrest
Recognizing cardiac arrest is the crucial step for initiating CPR promptly. Common signs include the absence of responsiveness, normal breathing, and the lack of a pulse. Timely identification of these signs is a key sign to begin CPR intervention immediately.
In line with general national US protocols, the first step in Virginia is to activate the emergency response system to ensure that professional medical assistance arrives quickly. Dialing 911 to connect to Virginia Beach Emergency Communications (VB911) if an emergency occurs. The emergency operators will receive and process the citizens’ calls for emergency service reactions by the Police, Fire, and EMS personnel.
Make sure that you listen and follow 911 call directions. Everyone can save a life, and we just need to know the basics of CPR and help people in need.
Following Guidelines
Alexandria, VA, has no specific guidelines regarding the technical CPR performance techniques. That is why training centers need to follow the nationally approved CPR guidelines by the American Heart Association or other relevant government regulatory bodies. Many of the guidelines apply at a nationwide level.
Here is where training centers need to play their part and keep up with the current regulations. Frequently, there are new protocols implemented regarding CPR techniques or AED equipment in some states. Training centers need to stay informed, so they can follow the transitions with the regulatory bodies and the national or local CPR guidelines. That way, their CPR programs will remain updated, and candidates will receive quality training.
Keep CPR Training Updated
Why is being updated important? Mouth-to-mouth CPR was recommended in the 60s as a useful CPR technique. Nowadays, the world is leaning towards Hand-Only-CPR, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The American Heart Association refers to this technique as “2 steps to save a life”, and it’s the updated century version of CPR. This is mostly because people nowadays would be much more comfortable helping out if there is no risk of any disease spreading through mouth-to-mouth methods.
Another significant change in the CPR technique is the switch from A-B-C to C-A-B or from airway – breathing – chest compressions to chest compression – airway – breathing. This is mainly due to prioritizing the blood flow as the most important point in CPR.
CPR Certification or Training Requirements In Virginia
In Virginia, each individual requiring initial licensure or renewal of a license should provide evidence of completed certification or training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, automated external defibrillators, or emergency first aid. The certification or training program itself should be based on the updated national evidence-based CPR guidelines for emergency cardiovascular care and the use of AED.
Examples of such programs are developed and offered by the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross. These programs also include hands-on practice for the development of the necessary skills to perform CPR. Many well-equipped certified organizations, community colleges, hospitals, volunteer rescue squads, and fire departments also offer these courses.
Virginia State allows individuals with disabilities to submit a special waiver form stating that their disability prohibits them from completing the CPR certification or training.
Administrative Code in Virginia
By the administrative code in Virginia, each building should have at least one of the staff with a current CPR certification at all times. The accepted certification in CPR comes from the AHA, ARC, NFC, or ASHI.
Also, other accepted certification bodies have an updated CPR certification issued in the past two years by a hospital, fire department, volunteer rescue squad, or community college. The certification program has to either be specialized for adult CPR or include adult CPR.
For every 100 residents in a facility, there should be at least one staff member who meets CPR regulations. Hence, for a building with 200 residents, there should be 2 individuals with a valid CPR certificate.
In addition, there should be a listing of all staff holding a CPR certificate posted in the facility to ensure transparency and availability of information for all residents/employees/students, etc. The listing in question has to inform whether the certified person has a certificate for first aid, CPR, or both, and should always be kept up to date.
Good Samaritan Law in Virginia
Virginia’s Good Samaritan Law provides legal protection to individuals who provide emergency medical assistance in good faith and attempt to help and render aid to victims at the scene of an emergency. As long as one acts in a so-called reasonable manner to help that person, this law can shield you from liability.
This law encourages bystanders to confidently initiate CPR without fear of legal repercussions. It ensures that those who provide aid during an emergency are shielded from liability as long as they act responsibly and in accordance with their level of training.
Public AED in Virginia Schools
A new 2023 law on public safety was proposed in Virginia, affecting Alexandria and other VA cities. The General Assembly recently passed a law and put in act a requirement for all public elementary and secondary schools to have an automated external defibrillator (AED) on-site.
AED is a medical device used in addition to the CPR technique for saving life purposes. It’s utilized to help a heart return to a normal rhythm in an emergency. The law further will require each local school board to have a highly developed plan for an automated external defibrillator. Every public elementary and secondary school will have to include the location, proper care and use of the AED.
Such plans are currently optional, not requiring each school board to place an AED on-site. This regulation is expected to be implemented in 2024, although it’s still unclear how many AED a school has to be equipped with or other such details.
Local CPR Initiatives
Alexandria, VA, and the rest of the Virginia region are home to various local initiatives actively promoting CPR awareness and training. These initiatives often include educational campaigns, workshops, and CPR certification programs aimed at equipping community members with life-saving skills.
Alexandria Medical Reserve Corps
A great example of such initiatives is the city-supported initiative called “The Alexandria Medical Reserve Corps (MRC),” developed by Alexandria Health Department MRC. It’s a volunteer organization of local medical and non-medical volunteers who are trained and ready to respond to public health emergencies. The Virginia MRC volunteers strengthen the community and emergency preparedness by giving daily services to the Alexandria Health Department.
Final Thoughts
CPR is a very valuable investment for each individual as it promotes responsibility towards the community and it potentially saves lives. To properly act in an emergency situation, it’s important to understand and follow the CPR guidelines, especially taking into consideration the local CPR guidelines in Virginia or other relevant states.
An individual can play a key role in increasing survival rates by obtaining a CPR certificate and learning to recognize cardiac arrest. The Good Samaritan Law in Virginia is there to help bystanders confidently perform CPR and utilize AED when available. In addition, these practices will lead to safer cities and stronger and more prepared communities to deal with any emergency.